Saturday, December 05, 2009

I stare at the monitor for quite a while, thinking of what to write.

Work? Too boring.

My thumbdrive? It is dead. I got a new 1GB one for 20bucks at SLQ.

Well, my life now is quite repetitive. I will definitely do some of these tasks: 2902 gallery, running, music class, art class, meeting up friend etc.

Depending on the activities I have. I will try to pack as many tasks as possible.

I would like to try something new this holiday. Maybe a new sport or something. Learn a new skill perhaps. Doesn't matter. Just something different.

Sometimes when you look back in life, you might regret not leading your life a little more meaningful when you could.

Now, you might tell yourself: No ah.. I am happy. I am fine with my life now.

No doubt about that. However, have you thought about how your life could have changed if you would just deviate a little from the usual path. Experiment with new things. Explore new worlds.

Enough is enough. Just be on a lookout for new changes along your way of life.

You only have one life. Live it to the greatest.


yt said...

how are you doing?! :)
update me!

toh_jy said...

hey. awesome. holiday at the moment. hw's life?

Anonymous said...

haha same too! holiday! :) yay!
still teaching? at where?
is it great?

maybe we should catch up one day! you busy girl!